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New Version for the Multi-Dimensional Data Format (MDD) Analysis Tool (MARS v1.0-v2.4.1.0)

ZHANG Lifu1SUN Xuejian*1ZHANG Xia1WANG Nan1ZHANG Mingyue1,2LIN Yukun1,2HUANG Hai1CEN Yi1HUANG Changping1YANG Hang1ZHANG Hongming1LIU Jia1TONG Qingxi1
1 Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100101,China2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049


Published:Jun. 2017(Update: Nov. 2018,Dec. 2020,Dec. 2022,Feb. 2023,Nov. 2024)

Visitors:23233       Data Files Downloaded:1532      
Data Downloaded:164430.65 MB      Citations:

Key Words:

MDD,data format,multi-dimensional data,software,MARS,Journal of Remote Sensing


New version for the Multi-dimensional Data Format (MDD) analysis tool(MARS v2.03) was developed based on MARS v1.0, which was published in June 2017. It is for analyzing earth observation remote sensing data, including the data in time series, spatial scale series and multiple bands series. In order to make the data easily to be accessed and inter-operated, a new data format was developed, which is recorded as .mdd (Multi-Dimensional Data Format). The MDD data format records data covering remote sensing pixels, bands, spectrums with temporal specifications with a group of data formats including TSB (Temporal Sequential in Band), TSP (Temporal Sequential in Pixel), TIB (Temporal Interleaved by Band), TIP (Temporal Interleaved by Pixel) and TIS (Temporal Interleaved by Spectrum). The Inter-operational tool for temporal-spatial data analysis in Multi-Dimension Data Format (.mdd), also called as MARS (Multi-dimensional Analysis system of Remote Sensing), provides the functions of the .mdd data format conversions to/from Landsat (.tif), MODIS (.hdf), ENVI (.img), reprocessing, classification and analysis. More functions such as UNVI vegetation index calculation are added at the new version of MARS 2.03, and more, the data processing speed and stability of the tool has been greatly improved.Browse

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41072248)

Data Citation:

ZHANG Lifu, SUN Xuejian*, ZHANG Xia, WANG Nan, ZHANG Mingyue, LIN Yukun, HUANG Hai, CEN Yi, HUANG Changping, YANG Hang, ZHANG Hongming, LIU Jia, TONG Qingxi. New Version for the Multi-Dimensional Data Format (MDD) Analysis Tool (MARS v1.0-v2.4.1.0)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2017.

Zhang, L. F., Sun, X. J., Zhang, X., et al. A multi-dimensional data format (MDD) and analysis tool [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(2): 121-135. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017. 02.01.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 MARS v1.0.rar 21366.98KB
2 UsersGuide_MARS_v1.0_CN.pdf 1211.00KB
3 UsersGuide_MARS_v1.0_EN.pdf 1193.00KB
4 MARS v2.03.rar 201792.00KB
5 MARS_X64_v2.2.exe 123504.84KB
6 MARS_v2.3.0.3.exe 491226.40KB
7 MARS_v2.3.0.4.exe 491207.17KB
8 MARS_v2.4.1.0.exe 491341.12KB