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Simulation Dataset of the Governance Effects of Global Low Carbon Technology Financing under the Carbon Neutrality Constraints

GU Gaoxiang1
1 Population Research Institute,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China


Published:May 2023

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Key Words:

low carbon technology financing,carbon neutrality,integrated assessment model,technology sharing,carbon governance


In order to investigate the governance effects of global low carbon technology financing under the carbon neutrality constraints, the authors developed the CIECIA-TD-F model (climatic-economic-technological integrated assessment model) to comprehensively assessed the carbon governance effects of global low carbon technology financing on technological innovation promotion, climate change mitigation and economic adoption to the carbon neutrality pathways, the dataset created by the CIECIA-TD-F mode was developed covering 10 countries/regions and 12 sectors, including: (1) NDCs-carbon neutrality pathways of countries; (2) global low carbon technology financial collections and dispensations of countries in the global low carbon technology financing scenarios; (3) global warming in 2100 from the pre-industrial level for the baseline, the NDCs-carbon neutrality, the global low carbon technology financing and the policy mix scenarios; (4) changes of standard energy intensities for the countries in 2100 compared to the baseline for the global low carbon technology financing and the policy mix scenarios; (5) changes in cumulative utilities for the countries in 2100 compared to the baseline for the NDCs-carbon neutrality, the global low carbon technology financing and the policy mix scenarios; (6) average numbers of low carbon technology transfer to countries for the policy mix scenarios. The dataset is archived in .xlsx format, and consists of one data file with 82.3 KB. The analysis paper based on this dataset has been published in Geographical Research, Vol.42, No.3, 2023.

Foundation Item:

National Social Science Fund of China (21BGJ076)

Data Citation:

GU Gaoxiang. Simulation Dataset of the Governance Effects of Global Low Carbon Technology Financing under the Carbon Neutrality Constraints[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.


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Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 GovtEffectsLowCarbonTechFinancing.xlsx 82.31KB