The Statistical Characteristics of Element Content in Surface Sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica
LAN Musheng1YU Peisong2HAN Zhengbing2HU Chuanyu2PAN Jianming2ZHANG Haisheng2
1 Key Laboratory for Polar Science of SOA2 Lab of Marine Ecosystem and Biogeochemistry SOA
Published:April 2015
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Key Words:
Prydz Bay,Sediment,element content,statistical analysis,Antarctica
21 surface sediment samples were collected from Prydz Bay, Antarctica, during the 18th~21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE, 2001-2011). These samples were analized in laborotary and contents of 13 chemical elements were obtained, including C, N, S, K, Ca, Ti, et. al. This dataset provided the raw data and basic statistical results such as minimum,maximum,mean, standard deviation, CV, and relation coefficient. Cluster analysis shows that these 13 elements can be classified as two categories: C, N and S as one cluster, and the rest as another one.Browse
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Data Citation:
LAN Musheng, YU Peisong, HAN Zhengbing, HU Chuanyu, PAN Jianming, ZHANG Haisheng. The Statistical Characteristics of Element Content in Surface Sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2015.
Lan, M. S., Zhang, H. S., Pan, J. M., et al. Element concentration and statistical feature dataset of surface sediments in Prydz Bay, Antarctica. [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(3): 336-340. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.03.13.
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