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Geochemical Characteristics of Red Weathering Crust from Shicao Profile in Southern Liaoning Province

WEI Donglan1
1 College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China


Published:Dec. 2018

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Key Words:

Shicao profile,red weathering crust,major elements,chemical weathering,paleoclimate,Scientia Geographica Sinica


The Shicao profile with red weathering curst is in the southern of Liaoning Province. 13 samples, labeled as S1 ~ S13, was collected from up to down at 25 cm intervals. Meanwhile, one sample of bedrock was collected. Then the dataset of geochemical characteristics of red weathering crust from Shicao Profile in southern Liaoning Province was developed. The result shows that compared to the bedrock, Ca has been leached out strongly, while other major elements relatively enriched in the red weathering crust of Shicao profile. The Shicao profile indicated a moderate chemical weathering intensity. The dataset includes, 1) Geolocation of Shicao Profiles; 2) Photos in situ survey; 3) the test results of elements from the Shicao profile. 4) the test results of major elements from the Shicao profile. 5) the geochemical parameters of the Shicao profile. The dataset is archived in .shp, .kmz and .xlsx data format, and consist of 12 data files with data size of 5.79 MB (Compressed to two files with data size of 5.78 MB). The analysis paper related to the dataset was published in the journal of Scientia Geographica Sinica, Vol.38, No.2, 307-313.

Foundation Item:

National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (41271093)

Data Citation:

WEI Donglan. Geochemical Characteristics of Red Weathering Crust from Shicao Profile in Southern Liaoning Province[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 ChemicalElements_ShicaoProfile.rar 5922.37KB
2 SampleSite.kmz 0.79KB