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Data Details

Trace Metals Dataset in Excreta of Adélie Penguins from Four Locations of the Antarctic Peninsula Area

José E. Celis1Winfred Espejo2Daniel González- Acuna1Ricardo Barra2Solange Jara3
1 Animal Science,Faculty of Veterinary Sciences,Universidad de Concepcion,Chile2 Aquatic Systems,Faculty of Environmental Sciences,Universidad de Concepcion,Chile3 Environmental and Marine Affairs of the Chilean Navy


Published:May. 2016

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Key Words:

Adélie penguins,trace metals,excreta,Antarctic Peninsula,environmental pollution,Advances in Polar Science


In order to monitor environmental pollution change in the polar region, the method to assessment on trace metals in excreta of Ad�lie penguins has been used. The 56 samples of the excreta of Ad�lie penguins had been collected from the four locations of the Antarctic Peninsula area during the 2012/2013 austral summer. They are: Arctowski Base, Kopaitic Island (both sites in northern Antarctic Peninsula), Yalour Island and Avian Island (both sites in southern Antarctic Peninsula). The trace metal data, including Cd, Pb, As, Cu, Hg and Zn, in each of samples were calculated (dry weight) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The dataset is consisted of 6 tables: Table 1: geo-location of the data collecting places; Table 2 Statistics of the trace metal in excreta of Ad�lie penguins from four locations of the Antarctic Peninsula; Table 3-Table 6: Statistics of the trace metal in excreta of Ad�lie penguins from each location of the data collection. The data is archived in .shp, .kmz and .xlsx format with the data size of 14KB.

Foundation Item:

Chile:INACH T 18-09 granted,FONDECYT 1140466, INACH RG 09-14

Data Citation:

José E. Celis, Winfred Espejo, Daniel Gonzále, Ricardo Barra, Solange Jara. Trace Metals Dataset in Excreta of Adélie Penguins from Four Locations of the Antarctic Peninsula Area[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 TraceMetalExcretaAdéliepenguinsAntarcticPeninsula.rar 13.59KB