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In Situ Dataset of Land Cover Types in Fujian Province (2019)

CHEN Yaoliang1HUANG Xinyi1LU DengSheng1LIU Shanshan1LIN Wenke1PENG Zhongwei1WU Yanfang1PANG Shiyun1ZHAO Shuai1
1 School of Geographical Sciences,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China


Published:Jul. 2020

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Key Words:

Fujian province,land cover,in situ survey,2019


In situ dataset of land cover types in Fujian Province (2019) was developed by field survey in July, 2019 in Fujian Province of China. In this survey, Aowei Interactive Map and telescope were used to collect the coordinate of sample points. The sampling points were strictly set as the center of a pure land cover area at least larger than 30 m x 30 m to ensure the purity. The dataset includes: (1) photos taken in situ survey; (2) data of 4,846 sampling points, including 3,584 for forest, 256 for shrub, 35 for grassland, 368 for crop, 270 for artificial surfaces, 270 for water and 63 for bare land. The forest points include 1,221 for coniferous forest, 1,454 for broadleaf forest, 91 for conifer-broadleaf mixed forest, 808 for bamboo and 10 for mangrove. Coniferous forest points include 1,057 for pure coniferous forest and 164 for mixed coniferous forest. Broadleaf forest points include 1,313 for pure broadleaf forest and 141 for mixed broadleaf forest. The shrub points include 226 for pure shrub and 30 for mixed shrub. The crop points include145 for paddy field crop and 223 for non-paddy field crop. The bare land points include 32 for bare soil and 31 for bare rock. This dataset is archived in .jpg, .docx, .kmz and .shp data formats, and consists of 325 data files with data size of 39.1 MB (compressed to one single data file with 32.6 MB).Browse

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2017YFD0600900)

Data Citation:

CHEN Yaoliang, HUANG Xinyi, LU DengSheng, LIU Shanshan, LIN Wenke, PENG Zhongwei, WU Yanfang, PANG Shiyun, ZHAO Shuai. In Situ Dataset of Land Cover Types in Fujian Province (2019)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.

CHEN Yaoliang, HUANG Xinyi, LU DengSheng, et al. 4868 Sample plots dataset for land cover validation in Fujian Province of China (2019)—content and procedure [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2020, 4(1): 52-59. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2020.01.08.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 LandCoverinSituFujian2019.rar 33468.50KB