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Data Details

Future Population Data in Hiroshima (2010-2040)

CHEN Wenbo1,2DOKO Tomoko1,2FURUTANI Tomoyuki1
1 Graduate School of Media and Governance,Keio University,Fujisawa 252-0882,Japan2 Nature & Science Consulting Co.,Ltd.,1-2-1 Furocho,Naka-ku,Yokohama 231-0032,Japan


Published:Mar. 2017

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Key Words:

population,estimation,mesh data,Hiroshima,Japan


Hiroshima is a capital city of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. In 1589, a castle was constructed on a river delta at Goka and it was given the name of Hiroshima. The population was gradually increasing year after year since Hiroshima officially became a city on April 1st, 1889. However, the population was suddenly decreased due to the World War II. Since then, the population of Hiroshima has increased again. It is of great significance to predict the future population of Hiroshima for the development of social economy and the formulation of relevant policies. The future population data in Hiroshima was estimated based on the basic data (2010) and cohort-component method provided by National Institute of Population and Social Security Research in Japan. The result shows that the total population would decrease for the future. In Hiroshima, it is not only the problem of aging population, meanwhile it also face the problem of falling birth rate. The dataset includes annual child population in which the age is under 15 years old, elder population in which the age is equal or greater than 65 years old, and total population in Hiroshima from 2010 to 2040. Meanwhile, the administrative boundary of Hiroshima was included in this dataset. The dataset is archived in both .kmz and .shp formats with compressed data size of 1.68 MB.Browse

Foundation Item:

Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (4-1505) of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan

Data Citation:

CHEN Wenbo, DOKO Tomoko, FURUTANI Tomoyuki. Future Population Data in Hiroshima (2010-2040)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2017.

Chen, W. B., Doko, T., Furutani, T. Future population estimation dataset in Hiroshima (2010-2040) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(2): 225-229. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.02.14.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 FuturePopulationHiroshima2010-2040.rar 692.90KB
2 Hiroshima_city.kmz 144.39KB
3 Pop_child.kmz 262.27KB
4 Pop_elder.kmz 304.64KB
5 Pop_total.kmz 324.07KB