Dataset of Spatial-temporal Change and Evolution Mechanism of High-quality Development in Central China (2006-2019)
CHEN Minghua1,2WANG Zhe1,2XIE Linxiao1,2LI Qian1,2
1 School of Economics,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250014,China2 Center for High Quality Development,Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250014,China
Published:Mar. 2023
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Key Words:
Central China, high-quality development,municipal level,2006-2019
The dataset of spatial-temporal change and evolution mechanism of high-quality development in Central China (2006-2019) was developed based on the China statistical yearbooks and CEIC database, integrated with entropy weight method, traditional and spatial Kernel density estimation, geographic detector, etc. The dataset includes the following data from 2006 to 2019: (1) national and regional average value of high-quality development index; (2) the high-quality development index in Central China; (3) traditional kernel density data of high-quality development distribution in Central China; (4) high-quality spatial kernel density data for the overall and provincial development of Central China; (5) geographical detection results of high-quality development differences in Central China at multi-level spatial scales. The dataset is archived in. xlsx format, and consists of 1 data file with data size of 2.48 MB. The analysis paper based on this dataset will be published in coordination with Acta Geographica Sinica, Vol. 78, No. 4, 2023.
Foundation Item:
National Social Science Fund of China (22BJY191)
Data Citation:
CHEN Minghua, WANG Zhe, XIE Linxiao, LI Qian. Dataset of Spatial-temporal Change and Evolution Mechanism of High-quality Development in Central China (2006-2019)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.
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