Dataset of NDVI Change Trends and Impact Factors in Inner Mongolia (2000-2015)
CHEN Kuan1CHAO Luo Meng*1
1 College of Ecology and Environment,Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot 010021,China
Published:Aug. 2020
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Key Words:
Inner Mongolia,NDVI,impact factors,2000-2015
The dataset of NDVI change trends and impact factors in Inner Mongolia (2000-2015) was developed based on the monthly SPOT/VEGETATION NDVI, statistical yearbook data, combined with the maximum synthesis method, trend analysis and geographical detector model. The dataset includes spatial data and tabular data. The spatial data covering Inner Mongolia from 2000 to 2015 includes: (1) 1km raster data of NDVI change trend;(2) 1km raster data of NDVI change trend classification; (3) 1km raster data of change trend on precipitation and temperature, as well as the data of land aspect, land slope and vegetation; and (4) socio-economic factors change trend data, including rural population, rural households, rural labor, food production, per capita net income of farmers and herdsmen, and livestock quantity. The table data includes: (1) area and proportion of vegetation change based on the difference of NDVI; (2) Main influencing factors and q values of NDVI changes in pastoral counties and non-pastoral counties in Inner Mongolia, China. The dataset is archived in .tif, .shp, and .xlsx data formats, consists of 47 data files with data size of 65.4 MB (compressed to one single data file with data size of 12.7 MB).Browse
Foundation Item:
Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2016YFC050604-4); National Natural Science Foundation of China (31060117)
Data Citation:
CHEN Kuan, CHAO Luo Meng*. Dataset of NDVI Change Trends and Impact Factors in Inner Mongolia (2000-2015)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.
CHEN Kuan, CHAO Luomeng. NDVI change trend and impact factors dataset in Inner Mongolia (2000-2015) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2020, 4(2): 137-143. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2020.02.06.
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