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Data Details


LIU Chuang1DAI Xiaoliang1,2ZHU Yunqiang1SHI Ruixiang1
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China


Published:Aug. 2024

Visitors:2547       Data Files Downloaded:13      
Data Downloaded:12.91 MB      Citations:

Key Words:

Samoa,Pacific Ocean,Savaii Island,Upolu Island,data encyclopedia


Samoa is an island country located in the southern Pacific Ocean, western part of the Samoa Islands. Its geo-location is 172° 48′12″W-171°23′54″W, 13°26′20″S-14°4′39″ S. Samoa consists of two main islands, Upolu Island and Savaii Island, as well as 52 nearby islands or reefs such as Manono Island, Apolima Island, Nuutele Island, Nuulua Island, Namua Island, Fanuatapu Island, Nuusafee Island, Nuulopa Island, Fatuanava Island, Lepuia'I Island, etc. The smallest island or reef has an area of 48 m². According to the data developed based on Google Earth images in 2015 and related maps, Samoa has a total area of 2,837.64 km² and a coastline of 532.82 km long. The areas of the Savaii Island and the Upolu Island are 1705.42 km² and 1126.65 km², respectively; and their coastlines are 235.42 km and 266.50 km, respectively. The dataset is archived in .kmz and .shp data formats, and consists of 17 data files with data size of 5.27 MB (Compressed into 2 files with 2.02 MB).

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2021YFE0117300);

Data Citation:

LIU Chuang, DAI Xiaoliang, ZHU Yunqiang, SHI Ruixiang. Samoa[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2024.


     [1] Liu, C., Shi, R. X., Zhang, Y. H., et al. Global multiple scale shorelines dataset based on Google Earth images (2015) [J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019. DOI: 10.3974/geodb.2019.04.13.V1.
     [2] Liu, C., Shi, R. X., Zhang, Y. H., et al. 2015: How many islands (isles, rocks), how large land areas, and how long of shorelines in the world? —Vector data based on Google Earth images [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2019, 3(2): 124-148. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2019.02.03.
     [3] Planet Map Press. World National Atlas [M]. Version 2. Beijing: Planet Map Press, 2004.
     [4] Samoa: Overview [OL].

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 Samoa.kmz 761.20KB
2 Samoashp.rar 1315.66KB