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Dataset of Housing Rents and their Influencing Factors in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (2019)

WANG Yang*1,2WU Kangmin1,2ZHANG Hongou1,2YUE Xiaoli1,3
1 Guangdong Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Application/Guangdong Public Laboratory of Geospatial Information Technology and Application,Guangzhou Institute of Geography,Guangdong Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510070,China2 Institute of Strategy Research for Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area,Guangzhou 510070,China3 School of Architecture and Urban Planning,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510090,China


Published:Feb. 2021

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Key Words:

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,housing rents,sales-to-rent ratio,influencing factors


The Dataset of Housing Rents and their Influencing Factors in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (2019) covers 58 counties in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and 10 attribute data. The dataset includes the data of rent price, price-to-rent ratio, and housing price in March 2019; average wage, per capita GDP, proportion of tertiary industry, and area of each county in 2018; growth density of resident population from 2016 to 2018; per capita housing construction area, proportion of employed population with bachelor degree or above in November 2015. The dataset is archived in .xls and .shp data formats, and consists of 9 data files with a data size of 1.64 MB (compressed to 2 data files with 994 KB). The analysis paper based on the dataset was published in Geography Research, Vol. 39, No.9, 2020.Browse

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41871150, 41671128); Guangdong Academy of Sciences (2020GDASYL-20200104001, 2020GDASYL-20200102002); Institute of Strategy Research for Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao Greater Bay Area Construction (2019GDASYL-0202001); Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2019YFB2103101)

Data Citation:

WANG Yang*, WU Kangmin, ZHANG Hongou, YUE Xiaoli. Dataset of Housing Rents and their Influencing Factors in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (2019)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2021.

WANG Yang, WU Kangmin, ZHANG Hongou, et al. Dataset of housing rents and influencing factors in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(2019) [J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository


[1] Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics. Guangdong Statistical Yearbook - 2019 [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2019.
     [2] Government Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics (2019 Edition) [M]. Hong Kong: Census and Statistics Department, 2019.
     [3] Directorate of Statistics and Census Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region. Macao Statistical Yearbook - 2018 [M]. Macao: Directorate of Statistics and Census Bureau, 2019.
     [4] National Bureau of Statistics. China Statistical Yearbook - 2019 [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2019.
     [5] Dongguan Municipal Bureau of Statistics. Dongguan Statistical Yearbook - 2019 [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2019.
     [6] Zhongshan Statistics Bureau. Zhongshan Statistical Yearbook - 2019 [M]. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2019.
     [7] Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Statistics. The 1% Population Sample Survey of Guangdong Province in 2015. Beijing: China Statistics Press, 2015.
     [8] Government Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics (2016 Edition) [M]. Hong Kong: Census and Statistics Department, 2016.
     [9] Directorate of Statistics and Census Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region. Macao Statistical Yearbook - 2016 [M]. Macao: Directorate of Statistics and Census Bureau, 2017.
     [10] China Housing Association & Xitai Data. China's housing prices [DB/OL]

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 HousingRents_Factors_GBA_2019.xls 49.50KB
2 HousingRents_Factors_GBA_2019shp.rar 945.72KB