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0.25° Grid Precipitation Dataset covering Midwestern China (2010)

JIANG Yuhao1,2LI Baolin*1,2YUAN Yecheng1GAO Xizhang1ZHANG Tao1,2LIU Yan1,2LI Ying1,2LI Hong3LUO Zhiyong3MA Qiang3WANG Xiaomin3CIREN Duoji4
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China3 Meteorological Bureau of Henan Mongolian Autonomous County,Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Qinghai Province,Huangnan 811599,China4 Lhasa Meteorological Bureau,Lhasa 850000,China


Published:Nov. 2019

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Key Words:

midwestern,China,precipitation,Grid,2010,Journal of Geo-information Science


The 0.25° grid precipitation dataset covering Midwestern China (2010) was developed based on the precipitation data from 121 meteorological stations in 2010 and TRMM 3B43 precipitation estimation products in the mid-western region of China (25°-35°N, 105°-115°E). The HASM (High Accuracy Surface Modeling) based hybrid interpolation method was utilized. Firstly, TRMM precipitation was used to represent the stable part of precipitation in the space (Trend surface). Secondly, residual between the rain gauge observations and the trend surface was interpolated to obtain residual field based on HASM. Finally, the final precipitation product was developed by adding interpolated residual field with trend surface. The MAE and RMSE of TRMM based on HASM simulation results are 125.15 mm and 155.80 mm, respectively. The dataset includes the precipitation data based on TRMM and HASM, and three other methods (IDW, kriging and spline). The resolution is 0.25°x 0.25°and the unit of precipitation is mm. The dataset is archived in .tif data format, and consists of 20 data files with data size of 64.2 KB (Compressed to one single file with data size of 48.8 KB). The analysis paper based on the dataset was published at Journal of Geo-Information Science, Vol.17, No.8, 2015.

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2016YFC0500205, 2015CB954103)

Data Citation:

JIANG Yuhao, LI Baolin*, YUAN Yecheng, GAO Xizhang, ZHANG Tao, LIU Yan, LI Ying, LI Hong, LUO Zhiyong, MA Qiang, WANG Xiaomin, CIREN Duoji. 0.25° Grid Precipitation Dataset covering Midwestern China (2010)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.

Jiang, Y. H., Li, B. L., Yuan, Y. C., et al. Spatial distribution dataset of annual precipitation in midwestern China (2010) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2019, 3(4): 343–348. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2019.04.05.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 PrecipMidwesternChina2010.rar 48.88KB