AEM Based NPP Yearly Dataset at 40km Grid in Central Asia (1980-2014)
ZHU Shihua1
1 International Institute for Earth System Science,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
Published:Jun. 2018
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Key Words:
Central Asia,AEM,NPP,Journal of Natural Resources
The AEM based NPP Yearly Dataset at 40km Grid in Central Asia (1980-2014) covers the area from 34.3°–55.4°N, 46.5°–96.4°E, includes the areas of Xinjiang Province of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. With the Arid Ecosystem Model (AEM, zhangchi et al., 2013), a model verified by experimental observation data and driven by climate data (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation etc.) and geographic base datasets (soil depth, aspect, slope etc.), this study was devoted to study spatiotemporal changes of NPP dynamics in drylands over Central Asia (CAS) during the past 35 years (1980~2014). The results show the 35- year averaged annual NPP of Central Asia amounted to 1125±129 Tg C/a, with an overall declining trend of 0.71 g C/(m².a). The dataset is consisted of the following data files: (1) boundary data cover the study area; (2) Yearly NPP grid data from 1980 to 2014 in 40 km resolution. The dataset is archived in .shp, and .tif data formats with 42 data files with the data size of 2.51 MB (Compressed to 649 KB in one file). The analysis paper based on the dataset was published in the Journal of Natural Resources, Vol. 32, No. 11, 2017.
Foundation Item:
Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2014CB954204, 2016YFA0600202); National Natural Science Foundation of China (U1503301, 41401118)
Data Citation:
ZHU Shihua. AEM Based NPP Yearly Dataset at 40km Grid in Central Asia (1980-2014)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.
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