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The Seasonal Chlorophyll-a Dataset of Poyang Lake, China (2009 - 2012)

WANG Juanle1ZHANG Yongjie1YANG Fei1CAO Xiaoming2BO Zhongqiang1,3ZHU Junxiang1,3CHEN Eryang1,4LI Yifan1,3RAN Yingying4
1 State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environment Information System Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research CAS2 Institute of Desertification Studies Chinese Academy of Forestry3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences4 China University of Mining & Technology


Published:December 2014

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Key Words:

Poyang Lake,water color remote sensing,Chlorophyll-a concentration,inversion model,spatial and temporal distribution


Chlorophyll-a is an important indicator of lake water quality: Based on the in-situ information collection in Boyang Lake, one of the biggest lakes of China, from 2009-2012, including water body spectral information, the spectral index was constructed based on the water spectral characteristics analysis. Integrating the data and the least squares method to analyze the relationship between the spectral data and the Chlorophyll-a, the concentration of the Chlorophyll-a was conducted in January, April, July and October from 2009 to 2012. The data of Chlorophyll-a indicates that the most lowest months are December to February, the Chlorophyll-a increased from March to July, and reach the peak of the year in July; after August, the Chlorophyll-a decreased, and reach the lowest by end of the year. The spatial distribution shows that more close to the beach, more high of the Chlorophyll-a. The data is archived in two data files, one in .tiff format and one in .xls format.Browse

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Environmental Protection of P. R. China (201109075)

Data Citation:

WANG Juanle, ZHANG Yongjie, YANG Fei, CAO Xiaoming, BO Zhongqiang, ZHU Junxiang, CHEN Eryang, LI Yifan, RAN Yingying. The Seasonal Chlorophyll-a Dataset of Poyang Lake, China (2009 - 2012)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2014.

Wang, J. L., Zhang, Y. J., Yang, F., et al. The seasonal chlorophyll-a concentration dataset in Poyang Lake, China (2009-2012) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(2): 208-215. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.02.12.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
0Datapaper_Chlorophyll-a Concen of Poyang Lake, China.pdf617.00kbDownLoad
1 Chlorophyll-a Concen of Poyang Lake.rar 1046.73KB
2 Data on location and spectrum.rar 703.01KB