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Data Details

China’s Research on COVID-19 Video Report (No.1): Epidemiology

GONG Ke1LIANG Xiaofeng2FENG Luzhao2LIU Chuang*3YI Heya4
1 Consultative Committee for United Nations on Information Technology of Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-CCIT),Beijing 1008632 Consultative Committee for United Nations on Life Science and Human Health of Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-CCLH),Beijing 1008633 Consultative Committee for United Nations on Information Technology of Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-CCIT),Beijing 100863,China4 Consultative Committee for United Nations on Life Science and Human Health of Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-CCLH),Beijing 100863,China


Published:Jun. 2020

Visitors:10373       Data Files Downloaded:385      
Data Downloaded:153780.97 MB      Citations:

Key Words:

COVID-19,China’s Research,video report,CAST-CCIT,CAST-CCLH,epidemiology


In fighting against the outbreak of COVID-19, which has disrupted people’s normal life and escalated to pandemic disaster on a global scale, Chinese scientists and engineers have responded quickly in all possible ways, especially in research. During the early stage of the outbreak, when research were focused on epidemiology, scientists strongly proposed that cutting off the spread of the virus was the most critical factor for pandemic prevention. “together and interactively, these control measures offer an explanation of why the rise in and incidence was halted and reversed, limiting the number of confirmed cases 96% fewer than expected in the absence of interventions” (TIAN Huaiyu et al. Science, 2020). “The COVID-19 epidemic can spread very quickly. The epidemic curve of onset of symptoms showed that the early detection and isolation of cases have prevented more infections” (FENG Zijian et al. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 2020). There are two language versions of the video, Chinese and English versions, as well as the version for cell phone in lower resolution and higher resolution for a large screen. The video files are archived in .mp4 data format with the data size of 1.22 GB.

Foundation Item:

Chinese Association for Science and Technology (2020)

Data Citation:

GONG Ke, LIANG Xiaofeng, FENG Luzhao, LIU Chuang*, YI Heya. China’s Research on COVID-19 Video Report (No.1): Epidemiology[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 China_Research_COVID-19_Video_001_C_L.mp4 612742.09KB
2 China_Research_COVID-19_Video_001_C_S.mp4 25003.79KB
3 China_Research_COVID-19_Video_001_E_L.mp4 621193.13KB
4 China_Research_COVID-19_Video_001_E_S.mp4 24966.21KB