1 km/ 5-day NDVI Product over China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for 2013
LI Jing1ZENG Yelu1LIU Qinhuo1ZHONG Bo1WU Shanlong1PENG Jingjing1
1 State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences
Published:Jun. 2015
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Key Words:
China-ASEAN,NDVI,BRDF,Quality grade
A synergized algorithm is developed to generate 1km/5-day Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) product using multi-source remote sensing dataset over China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) for 2013 (MuSyQ-NDVI-1km-2013). The multi-source dataset include five satellite data at 1-km spatial resolution including Terra/MODIS,Aqua/MODIS,NOAA18/AVHRR,FY3A/VIRR, and FY3B/VIRR. The quality of the multi-source observation data varies with sensors and atmospheric conditions. For the effective use of the dataset, the proposed algorithm firstly classifies the multi-angular observations into three levels by the residual thresholds of 10%, 20% and “larger than 20%” in a robust NDVI-weighted kernel-driven Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model. The observations with the residual larger than 20% are considered as cloudy and will be excluded for following NDVI compositing. Then the NDVI is composited by the main algorithm or backup algorithm according to the number of good quality observations. The composited NDVI is compared with the MODIS NDVI product in the Heihe River Basin, China. Results indicate that the number of good quality observations increase by the multi-source synergized retrieval, and the temporal resolution is increased from quasi-8-day to 5-day. The evaluation by the ASTER images at the 15-m resolution indicates that the determination coefficient (R2) is significantly higher for the multi-source NDVI, than the MODIS-only NDVI product. The China–ASEAN NDVI product is produced in the Sinusoidal tile grid, and is distributed in 40 adjacent non-overlapping tiles that are approximately 10°x10° (at the equator). The spatial/temporal resolution of the product is 1 km/5 days. The dataset is archived in *.tif format, and is compressed in 40 .zip files with the total volume of 9.89GB.
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
LI Jing, ZENG Yelu, LIU Qinhuo, ZHONG Bo, WU Shanlong, PENG Jingjing. 1 km/ 5-day NDVI Product over China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations for 2013[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2015. https://doi.org/10.3974/geodb.2015.01.16.V1.
Li, J., Zeng, Y. L, Liu, Q. H., et al. 1 km/5 day NDVI data product over China-ASEAN (2013) [J]. Journal
of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(3): 268-277. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017. 03.03.
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