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Reconstruction Dataset of Yearly September-October Mean Temperature from Tree-ring Maximum Latewood Density of Abies delavayi Franch. at Northwest Yunnan Province of China (1678-2019)

DENG Guofu1,2LI Mingqi*1
1 Key Laboratory of Land Pattern and Simulation,Institute of Geographic Science and Natural ResourcesResearch,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China


Published:Apr. 2022

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Key Words:

Northwest Yunnan Province,maximum latewood density,Abies delavayi Franch.,temperature reconstruction,1678-2019


Tree-ring cores were collected from Abies delavayi Franch. in November of 2012 and 2019 in Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County, Yunnan Province (98.4811°E, 27.7835°N, 3245 m). The X-ray method was used to obtain density data. The normalization and detruding of raw data were processed by the ARSTAN program, in which a 67% cubic smoothing spine with a 50% cut off frequency was used to fit growth trend. The maximum latewood density (MXD) of 51 cores from 27 trees was selected for establishing a chronology of 1678-2019. Based on the correlations between MXD and climate variables, we found the residual chronology of MXD showed the strongest correlation with September-October mean temperature (T9–10). Thus, we established transfer function with a linear regression model to reconstruct the history of T9–10 during the past 342 years (1678-2019), with explained variance of 33% during instrumental period. The results of Leave-One-Out Cross Validation showed that the robust of the reconstruction with the reduction of error reaching to 0.29. Furthermore, the temperature series positively correlated with other reconstructions in the surrounding areas with correlation coefficients of 0.458-0.526. The dataset includes: (1) geographic information of sampling site; (2) statistical characteristics of tree-ring cores; (3) the residual chronology of MXD for A. delavayi and its reconstructed series of T9–10; (4) the tree-ring residual chronology statistics of MXD for A. delavayi; and (5) the temperature data used for reconstruction. The dataset is archived in .shp and .xlsx data formats, and consists of 7 data files with data size of 56.5 KB (Compressed to one single file with 52.5 KB).Browse

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41977391, 41630529, 41571194); Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2017YFA0603302);

Data Citation:

DENG Guofu, LI Mingqi*. Reconstruction Dataset of Yearly September-October Mean Temperature from Tree-ring Maximum Latewood Density of Abies delavayi Franch. at Northwest Yunnan Province of China (1678-2019)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.

DENG Guofu, LI Mingqi. Q. Establishment of a yearly September-October mean temperature dataset during 1678-2019 in northwest Yunnan province, China [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2022, 6(3): 330-338.


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ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 MeanTemp9-10nwYunnan1678-2019.rar 52.56KB