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Suining Sweet Potato Subtropical Hills in Qingfeng Village Case Dataset on Ecosystem Protection and Sustainable Development

TAN Wenfang1LI Lusen2YANG Xiaolin*2YANG Songtao1CHEN Liping2LONG Xingchun2LI Yan3CHEN Zhi4LUO Chunming2DONG Yuling5ZHANG Shunyin6WANG Zhengxing7
1 Crop Research Institute of Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066,China2 Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Suining City,Suining 629099,China3 Suining Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Center,Suining 629000,China4 Natural Resources Bureau of Anju District,Suining City,Suining 629000,China5 Suining Longting Ecological Agriculture Co.,Ltd.,Sichuan Province,Suining 629000,China6 Qingfeng Village,Baima Town,Suining City,Sichuan Province,Suining 629011,China7 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China


Published:May 2022

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Key Words:

Geographical indication product,sweet potato,subtropical,Suining City,Baima Town,Qingfeng Village,Case 13


Suining City is located in the hilly area in the middle of Sichuan Basin. It has subtropical humid monsoon climate. Suining sweet potato is mainly planted in the gentle slope dry land with good drainage in the lower part of the hills. The soil belongs to the subtropical purple soil with slightly weak alkaline. Sweet potato has been planted in Suining for hundreds of years, of which “524 sweet potato” has been planted for 60 years. “524 sweet potato”, the most successful local sweet potato variety, has uniform size, contains rich starch, soluble sugar, vitamins and amino acids, as well as protein, fat, dietary fiber, calcium, iron and other minerals. “524 sweet potato” was introduced into Suining around 1960 and has been planted on a large scale in Qingfeng Village, Baima Town, Anju District since 1962. Now sweet potato has been intensively planted in Qingfeng Village, and has formed a unique management mode. Over last 60 years, sweet potato production and consumption have become a part of local life with regional characteristics. This dataset includes four categories of data of Qingfeng Village and nearby area: Geographical boundaries (village, town and county/district); Physical geography (climate, elevation class, slope, soil, water quality, NDVI, land use); Sweet potato varieties nutrition and safety; Sweet potato management. The dataset is archived in .shp, .tif, .xlsx, and .doc formats, it consists of 79 data files with data size of 4.16 MB (Compressed into one single file with 3.26 MB).Browse

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R. China (2020yfd1000803-2)

Data Citation:

TAN Wenfang, LI Lusen, YANG Xiaolin*, YANG Songtao, CHEN Liping, LONG Xingchun, LI Yan, CHEN Zhi, LUO Chunming, DONG Yuling, ZHANG Shunyin, WANG Zhengxing. Suining Sweet Potato Subtropical Hills in Qingfeng Village Case Dataset on Ecosystem Protection and Sustainable Development[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.

TAN Wenfang, LI Lusen, YANG Xiaolin, et al. GIES case dataset on Suining sweet potato subtropical hills in Qingfeng village, Baima town, Sichuan province of China [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2022. 6(2):169-179.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 SuiningSweetPotatoCase13.rar 3342.48KB