Road & Railway Network Density Dataset in the Belt and Road and Surround Region in 1km Resolution (2016)
NIU Zheng1KOU Peiying1LIU Zhengjia2BI Kaiyi1MENG Meng1
1 Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 1001012 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101
Published:Oct. 2017
Visitors:16060 Data Files Downloaded:592
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Key Words:
the Belt and Road,road,railway,density,2016
The road & railroad network density is one of the key indexes of regional economic development, and it is also the fundamental element information of implementing the facilities connectivity. Based on the real-time updated OpenStreeetMap road data, by calculating the total road long in meters in each km², the road density raster data in the Belt and Road and surround region, including Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia and New Zealand was calculated. By the similar method, the railway density data was developed with GIS superposition analysis. The dataset is achieved in .rdd format, and the data size is 2.88GB for road density and 1.67GB for railway density (158MB for compressed data size).Browse
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
NIU Zheng, KOU Peiying, LIU Zhengjia, BI Kaiyi, MENG Meng. Road & Railway Network Density Dataset in the Belt and Road and Surround Region in 1km Resolution (2016)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2017.
Kou, P. Y., Niu, Z., Liu, Z. J., et al. Road & railway network density dataset at 1 km over the Belt and Road and surround region [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(4): 402–407. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.04.03.
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