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Yearly Heating Days Dataset in Northern China (1961-2016)

GUO Jun1XIONG Mingming1LI Mingcai1
1 Tianjin Climate Center,Tianjin 300074,China


Published:Apr. 2019

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Key Words:

heating,heating intensity,heating days,climate warming,Scientia Geographica Sinica


Based on the daily air temperature during the period of 1961-2016 in the “surface air temperature 0.5° x 0.5° grid dataset” and the National Heating Specification of China (2012), the heating days was determined. The beginning day of heating was defined as the first day of the 5 days when the moving average temperature is lower than or equal to 5℃, whereas the final day of heating was the last day of the 5 days when the moving average temperature is higher than or equal to 5℃. The length of heating period is from the first day to the last day of heating and the heating intensity is characterized by the heating degree day in each heating season. When daily average air temperature was lower than 5℃, the heating degree day was calculated. The yearly heating days dataset in northern China (1961-2016) is consisted of two data file groups: (1) four data files on yearly heating beginning day, ending day, total heating days and heating degree days of 4230 points in 0.5° x 0.5° geographical grid in Northern China from 1961 to 2016 in .shp data format; (2) one data file on yearly beginning, ending days and heating degree days in North China, Northeast China and Northwest China in .xlsx data format. The dataset indicated that the beginning day of heating tended to delay during the past 55 years in China, whereas the ending day showed negative trend, leading to less length of the heating period. In the past 55 years, the heating period in Northeast and North China has decreased by 10-15 days, and decreased by 15-20 days in the Northwest China. The heating degree days in Northeast, North and Northwest China has decreased by 12%, 20% and 15%, respectively. The dataset is consisted of 25 data files with data size of 499 MB (Compressed to one single file with data size of 2.39 MB). The analysis paper based on this dataset was published at the Scientia Geographica Sinica, Vol. 38, No. 10, 2018.

Foundation Item:

China Meteorological Bureau (CCSF201614)

Data Citation:

GUO Jun, XIONG Mingming, LI Mingcai. Yearly Heating Days Dataset in Northern China (1961-2016)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 HeatingNorthernChina.rar 2448.90KB