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China’s Research on COVID-19 Video Report (No.9): Guidelines, Norms and Expert Consensus

GONG Ke1LIANG Xiaofeng2JIANG Rongmeng2LIU Chuang*1Ihya2FENG Luzhao2WU Sizhu1MA Chao2LIU Bing3TANG Mingkun4XIU Xiaolei4
1 Consultative Committee for United Nations on Information Technology of Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-CCIT),Beijing 100863,China2 Consultative Committee for United Nations on Life Science and Human Health of Chinese Association for Science and Technology (CAST-CCLH),Beijing 100863,China3 Chinese Medical Journals Publishing House Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100052,China4 Institute of Medical Information/Medical Library,CAMS & PUMC,Beijing 100020,China


Published:Oct. 2022

Visitors:4573       Data Files Downloaded:31      
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Key Words:

COVID-19,China’s Research,video report,guideline,norm


In the process of fighting the epidemic, China issued timely action guidelines, diagnosis and treatment plans and the corresponding standards, which played a very important role in the nationwide prevention of COVID-19, the treatment of COVID-19 patients and the post-disease treatment. As of March 15th, 2022, China has released 803 anti-epidemic response plans, guidelines, standards and expert consensus. These include 185 government documents, 282 group standards, 300 expert consensus agreements published in 194 academic journals, 11 health industry standards and 25 local standards. Among these, 528 diagnosis guidelines involved prevention and control content; this is followed by diagnosis and treatment guidelines, reaching 108. Among them, the series of COVID-19 Diagnosis and Treatment Plan (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) mostly reflects the progress of China's scientific and technological fight against the epidemic. On January 16th, 2020, the National Health Commission and the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly released the first version of the Plan, followed by the second to the seventh editions only within one and a half months. Then the Eighth and Nineth versions were released in 2021 and 2022. The video is archived in .mp4 format, it takes 3:26 munities.

Foundation Item:

Chinese Association for Science and Technology (2022)

Data Citation:

GONG Ke, LIANG Xiaofeng, JIANG Rongmeng, LIU Chuang*, Ihya, FENG Luzhao, WU Sizhu, MA Chao, LIU Bing, TANG Mingkun, XIU Xiaolei. China’s Research on COVID-19 Video Report (No.9): Guidelines, Norms and Expert Consensus[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 China_Research_COVID-19_Video_009_C_S.mp4 14214.78KB
2 China_Research_COVID-19_Video_009_C_L.mp4 746050.90KB
3 China_Research_COVID-19_Video_009_E_L.mp4 733235.18KB
4 China_Research_COVID-19_Video_009_E_S.mp4 13883.70KB