Analysis and Statistics Dataset of Floating Population in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration (2015)
CHEN Mingxing1,2GUO Shasha1,2LU Dadao1,2
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 College of Resource and Environment,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
Published:Jan. 2019
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Key Words:
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei,floating population,age,education,Progress in Geography
Analysis and statistics dataset of floating population in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration (2015) covers 10 cities, including Beijing and Tianjin, as well as Baoding, Langfang, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Shijiazhuang, Zhangjiakou, Chengde and Zhangzhou in Hebei Province. It was developed based on the Statistics Book of China Migrants Dynamic Survey (CMDS) 2015, provided by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China. The data results show that the age structure of the surveyed migrant population was dominated by young and middle-aged workforce, in which, the age group of the floating population between 15-59 years old is 86.59% of total floating population. The education level is mostly in middle school level(44.5% for middle school). The dataset includes seven tables on floating population in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration, 2015. The data content include (1) Age structure; (2) Education level; (3) The beginning year of taking continuous residence in the present location; (4) The reasons for the move to the present location; (5) The main occupations and industries of employment;(6) The internal and external source structure; (7) The destination areas. The dataset is archived in an Excel file (.xlsx format) with data size of 33.8 KB. The analysis paper based on the dataset was published in Progress in Geography, Vol. 37, No. 3, 2018.
Foundation Item:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (41430636, 41671125); IGSNRR/CAS (2015RC202); Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2016YFC0503506)
Data Citation:
CHEN Mingxing, GUO Shasha, LU Dadao. Analysis and Statistics Dataset of Floating Population in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Urban Agglomeration (2015)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.
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FloatPopulationBJTJHB2015.xlsx |
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