Boundary Data of Asia Tropical Humid & Semi-Humid Eco-region
LIU Chuang1SHI Ruixiang1
1 State Key Lab. of Resources & Environmental Information System,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research CAS
Published:December 2014
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Key Words:
The Asia tropical humid and sub-humid eco-region is one of the tropical forest regions with the highest rainfall in the world, It is also the world’s most island-intensive regions, with more than 9,000 islands. We developed a methodology of dividing the eco-region, which was supported by the earth observation data system, Four different criteria were selected for the division. The 16oC in the coldest month is the criterion for dividing the STHS and Asia Monsoon eco-regions; the southern boundary of the Roof of the World (ROTW) divides the ROTW and the ATHS; the 400mm precipitation and the vegetation of grassland separates the ATHS from western Asia; and the Indian-Malaysia biodiversity ecosystem is the criterion used between the ATHS and the Australian and Pacific eco-region. The ATHS eco-region includes the areas from southern Taiwan island, the Leizhou peninsula, the south of Yunnan Province, and most areas of India, Pakistan, the Indo-China Peninsula, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, and Philippines. The data is archived in both .shp and.kmz formats.Browse
Foundation Item:
Chinese Academy of Sciences ( INF0-115-C01-SDB3-02)
Data Citation:
LIU Chuang, SHI Ruixiang. Boundary Data of Asia Tropical Humid & Semi-Humid Eco-region[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2014.
Liu, C., Shi, R. X. Boundary data for Asia tropical humid & semi-humid eco-region [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2017, 1(3): 324-330. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2017.03.11.
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