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Dataset of Species Diversity Index of Subalpine Meadows in Lvliang Mountain, China (2015-2017)

ZHANG Shixiong1YANG Xiaoyan1WEN Jing1XU Manhou1
1 Institute of Geography Science,Taiyuan Normal University,Jinzhong 030619,China


Published:Jan. 2019

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Key Words:

subalpine meadows,species diversity,Lvliang Mountains,spatial and temporal patterns,Acta Ecologica Sinica


To order to understand the spatial and temporal distribution of subalpine meadows species in the Lvliang Mountains of China, the working group selected three sample plots from north to south in the Lvliang Mountains, they are Malun Grassland (38.75°N, 111.92°E), Heyeping (38.71°N, 111.84°E), and Yunding Mountain (37.88°N, 111.54°E). During July - August in 2015, 2016, and 2017, the investigation was made on plant diversity, frequency, coverage, and height. Then the species diversity indices and importance values were calculated to obtain the dataset of species diversity index of subalpine meadows in Lvliang Mountain, China. The results showed that, the spatial pattern of species diversity of subalpine meadows were gradually increased from north to south in the Lvliang Mountains. The dataset includes: (1) Geo-location of sample sites; (2) Species diversity index and important values of subalpine meadows in 2015; (3) Species diversity index and important values of subalpine meadows in 2016; (4) Species diversity index and important values of subalpine meadows in 2017. The dataset is archived in .xlsx, .kmz and .shp data formats. It is archived in 9 data files with data size of 27.3 KB (compressed to two files with data size of 23.8 KB). The analysis paper based on the dataset was published in the journal of Acta Ecologica Sinica, Vol.38, No.18, 2018.

Foundation Item:

Shanxi Province (2016021136); Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province (Jin Education Research No.4 [2016]; Jin Education No.4 [2016])

Data Citation:

ZHANG Shixiong, YANG Xiaoyan, WEN Jing, XU Manhou. Dataset of Species Diversity Index of Subalpine Meadows in Lvliang Mountain, China (2015-2017)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 SampleSites.kmz 0.76KB
2 SpeciesDiversityIndexSubalpineMeadowLvliang.rar 23.07KB