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Forest Fire Impacts to the Terrestrial Vegetation Dataset in Greater Khingan Range, China, 1987

GONG Adu1LI Jing1
1 Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China


Published:Jan. 2018

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Key Words:

Forest fire,Greater Khingan Range,terrestrial vegetation,LAI,FAPAR,1987


The forest fire from May 6, 1987 to June 2, 1987 in Greater Khingan Range, Heilongjiang Province, China, impacts the terrestrial vegetation. The dataset was developed based on the Landsat TM data before and after forest fire (June 5, 1986, June 12, 1986, June 15, 1987, July 26, 1987), where the spatial resolution of 30m by setting the threshold of the differential normalized burn ratio (dNBR) calculated by the reflectance of the near infrared band and mid-infrared band of the Landsat TM data were used. The spatial anomaly data with spatial resolution was 0.05° (about 5 km) of leaf area index (LAI) and the Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) data in 1987, 1992, 1997 and 2002 were calculated. Besides, the maximum monthly data, and the 8-day data were synthesized. Meanwhile, the changes of 8-day and annual LAI and FAPAR data for sampling burned area with low and high burn intensity and unburned area based on grading fire intensity data and Landsat TM image were calculated. Finally, the MODIS land cover product (MCD12Q1) was used for classifying land cover types, there were 7 land cover types in the study are: forest, shrub lands, grasslands, permanent wetlands, croplands, urban and artificial land and cropland/natural vegetation mosaic, land. The proportions of each of the land cover types were calculated. The Forest Fire Impacts to the Terrestrial Vegetation Dataset in Greater Khingan Range includes: (1) The vector data of burned area in Greater Khingan Range in 1987; (2) The spatial data of fire intensity in burned area in Greater Khingan Range in 1987; (3) The spatial dataset of anomalies of LAI/FAPAR of burned area and its surrounding area in Greater Khingan Range in 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002; (4) The spatial location data of the sampling data of burned area with low, high fire intensity and unburned area, and statistical datasets of the annual/8-day LAI/FAPAR of these area in Greater Khingan Range from 1982 to 2016; (5) The spatial datasets of land cover in burned area in Greater Khingan Range after forest fire in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and statistical data of the area proportion of each land cover type from 2000 to 2013. The datasets are achieved with .tif, .shp, and .xlsx data formats and contain 58 files with a data size of 206 MB (compressed into one data file, 60.7 MB).

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2016ST0010)

Data Citation:

GONG Adu, LI Jing. Forest Fire Impacts to the Terrestrial Vegetation Dataset in Greater Khingan Range, China, 1987[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.

Gong, A. D., Li J. Dataset of forest fire and its impacts on the terrestrial vegetation in the Greater Khingan Range, China, 1987 [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2018, 2(1): 59–66. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2018.01.10.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 ForestFireGKR1987.rar 62173.73KB