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Cultivated Land Dataset in Vietnam Based on Historical Documentation (1500-2000)

LIU HaoLong1,2LIU Xian1,2HE Fanneng1,2
1 Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China


Published:Mar. 2022

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Key Words:

land use/cover change,reconstruction of cropland area,historical documents,Vietnam


Taking the Atlas of World Population History, The World Economy: Volume 1: A Millennial Perspective and Volume 2: Historical Statistics, and International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia & Oceania, 1750-1988 as the population recording source, the authors obtained the total population at 16 key time points from 1500 to 2000 by interpolation and fusion of historical data. Further, combined with the data of paddy field area, area proportion of paddy field to cultivated land, ration standard, land tax system, paddy yield and ripening system, the change process of cultivated land area was deduced based on the two indicators of cultivated land area per capita and grain possession per capita respectively. The dataset consists of records of population and cultivated land area. The time resolutions of this dataset are 50 years during 1500-1800, 20-30 years during 1800-1900, and 10 years during 1900-2000. The dataset is archived in .xlsx data format with data size of 12.5 KB.Browse

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2017YFA0603304);

Data Citation:

LIU HaoLong, LIU Xian, HE Fanneng. Cultivated Land Dataset in Vietnam Based on Historical Documentation (1500-2000)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2022.

LIU HaoLong, LIU Xian, HE Fanneng. M. Dataset of cultivated land in Vietnam reconstructed from historical documents for the period 1500–2000 A.D. [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2022, 6(3): 349-357


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Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 CultivatedLandVietnam_1500-2000.xlsx 12.60KB