Food Questionnaire Statistics from Yantai, Lanzhou, Xinxiang and Jiujiang Cities of China (2020)
ZHAO Miaoxi1,2YAO Yuexi1WANG Jiayu3
1 College of Architecture,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China2 Department of Urban Planning,State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building Science,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510640,China3 College of Architecture,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
Published:Apr. 2023
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Key Words:
residents,food consumption,regional differences,dual circulation
The authors distributed online questionnaires to more than 1000 households in Yantai, Lanzhou, Xinxiang and Jiujiang in April 2020, 752 of them were valid questionnaires. The content of the questionnaire involves the basic situation of households in four cities, the consumption of different food, the source of food and the factors that affect residents' purchase of food, and developed the dataset of food questionnaire statistics from Yantai, Lanzhou, Xinxiang and Jiujiang cities of China (2020). The dataset includes: (1) the import data of food in Gansu, Shandong, Henan and Jiangxi of China in 2019; (2) summary of questionnaires on household ingredients and source areas in Lanzhou, Yantai, Xinxiang, and Jiujiang cities of China; (3) social and economic characteristics of residents in four cities; (4) per capita consumption of food of residents in four cities; (5) the degree of localization and globalization of the demand for food in the four cities and the coefficient of variation of food; (6) factors affecting residents' purchase of food. The dataset is archived in .xlsx format, consisting of one file with data size of 209 KB. The analysis paper based on this dataset was published in Journal of Natural Resources, Vol. 37, No. 10, 2022.Browse
Foundation Item:
National Social Science Foundation of China (22&VHQ009)
Data Citation:
ZHAO Miaoxi, YAO Yuexi, WANG Jiayu. Food Questionnaire Statistics from Yantai, Lanzhou, Xinxiang and Jiujiang Cities of China (2020)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.
ZHAO Miaoxi, YAO Yuexi, MEJIA A., et al. Dataset on household food ingredients and source areas of urban residents in Yantai, Lanzhou, Xinxiang, and Jiujiang cities of China (2020) [J]. Journal of Global
Change Data & Discovery, 2023, 7(1): 56-64.
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