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Data Details

NDVI Change Analysis Dataset in Qinling-Daba Mountains (2000-2014)

LIU Xianfeng1PAN Yaozhong1ZHU Xiufang1LI Shuangshuang2
1 College of Resources Science & Technology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China2 Academy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency Management,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China


Published:Aug. 2016

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Key Words:

Qinling-Daba Mountains,NDVI,temporal and spatial change,2000-2014,Acta Geographica Sinica


Based on the MOD13Q1 and the daily records collected by the 18 metrological stations in Qinling-Daba Mountains, NDVI changes dataset from 2000-2014 was developed. The dataset is consisted of three groups of data files. The group one consists of data files of the boundaries of the study area (.shp)and the geolocation of the metrological stations(.xlsx); the group two consists of spatial distribution data files on yearly maximum NDVI and NDVI changes from 2000-2014; the third group of data files is consisted of a series of statistics tables on NDVI changes. The analysis paper was published in “Acta Geographica Sinica” No.5, Vol. 70, 2015. The dataset is archived in .tiff, exils and .shp data formats with the compressed data size of 114MB.

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Earth Observation Program)

Data Citation:

LIU Xianfeng, PAN Yaozhong, ZHU Xiufang, LI Shuangshuang. NDVI Change Analysis Dataset in Qinling-Daba Mountains (2000-2014)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2016.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 QinlingDabaMtNDVI2000_2014.rar 117291.17KB