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Monitoring Dataset on Waterbirds in Qinghai Lake Basin (2021-2022)

LI Xingyue1,2,3SUN Jianqing4CHEN Yarong1,2,3CHEN Kelong*1,2,3
1 School of Geographical Sciences,Qinghai Normal University,Xining 810008,Qinghai,China2 Key Laboratory of Physical Geography and Environmental Processes in Qinghai Province,Xining 810008,Qinghai,China3 Qinghai Lake Wetland Ecosystem National Positioning Observation Station,Haibei 812200,Qinghai,China4 Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve Administration,Xining 810008,Qinghai,China


Published:Jun. 2023

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Key Words:

Qinghai Lake Basin,Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,waterfowl breeding,2021,2022


The Qinghai Lake Basin is located in the northeastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, it is a gene pool of bird species in the Tibetan Plateau, as well as one of the typical areas of the plateau ecosystem. The authors conducted post-breeding monitoring of waterbirds at 26 sample sites in the basin in August 2021 and August 2022. The dataset includes: (1) location data of 26 monitoring sample sites; (2) basic information of waterbird monitoring areas; (3) late breeding monitoring data of waterbirds in Qinghai Lake Basin; (4) dominant species assessment of waterbirds; (5) photos of waterbirds. The dataset is archived in .xlsx, .shp, .jpg and .docx formats, and consists of 16 data files with 19.4 MB (Compressed into 1 file with 19.3 MB).Browse

Foundation Item:

Science and Technology Department of Qinghai Province (2022-QY-204); Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2019QZKK0405)

Data Citation:

LI Xingyue, SUN Jianqing, CHEN Yarong, CHEN Kelong*. Monitoring Dataset on Waterbirds in Qinghai Lake Basin (2021-2022)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.

LI Xingyue, SUN Jianqing, CHEN Yarong, et al. Monitoring dataset on waterbirds in Qinghai Lake Basin (2021-2022) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2023, 7(1): 94-101.


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