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Dataset of Weigan-Kuqa Oasis, River System, Mountainous Part of the Catchment and Elevation Classification

GUI Dongwei1,2,3LI Bofei1,2ZHANG Siyuan1,2LIU Chuang4
1 State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology,Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Urumqi 830011,China2 Cele National Station of Observation and Research for Desert-Grassland Ecosystems,Cele 848300,China3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China4 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China


Published:Jan. 2023

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Key Words:

Muzhaerte River,Kuqa River,Aksu,oasis,catchment,elevation,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,data encyclopedia


The Weigan-Kuqa Oasis (also called Weigan-Kuche Oasis), including the Weigan River Oasis and the Baicheng-Kuqa Oasis, is located in the Aksu Administrative Region of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. The geo-location of Weigan River Oasis is between 40°56′57″N and 41°51′20″N, 82°07′44″ E and 83°47′25″E. The Weigan River Oasis consists of 2 oases with a total area of 6,600.17 km² (Albers projection), total perimeter of 1,239.86 km (Lambert projection). About 50.89% of the total oasis area is in Kuqa, 28.54% is in Shaya, and 20.57% is in Xinhe. The geo-location of the Baicheng-Kuqa Oasis is between 41°35′22″N and 42°15′43″N, 80°57′35″E and 82°44′37″E. The Baicheng-Kuqa Oasis consists of 52 oases with a total area of 2,034.47 km², total perimeter of 1,512.30 km. About 97.95% of the total oasis area is in Baicheng, and 2.05% is in Wensu. The main rivers which nourish and maintain the existence of the Weigan-kuqa oasis are Muzhaerte River, Kuqa River and Kamusilang River. Their main stream lengths are 230.81 km, 181.76 km and 116.18 km. The geo-location of the mountainous part of the Weigan-kuqa catchment is between 41°46′38″N and 42°38′51″N, 80°15′1″E and 83°44'40" E. The area of this part of catchment is 11,988.73 km² with about 64.35% of the total area in Baicheng, 22.87% in Kuqa and 12.78% in Wensu. The elevation of the mountainous part of Weigan-Kuqa catchment was classified into 12 types. The dataset was developed based on Google Earth images, ASTER GDEM 30 m and in situ data. The dataset is consisted of (1) boundary data of the Weigan River oasis; (2) boundary data of the Baicheng-Kuqa Oasis; (3) Weigan-Kuqa River system; (4) boundary data of the mountainous Weigan-Kuqa Catchment; (5) elevation classification data of the mountainous Weigan-Kuqa Catchment. The dataset is archived in .kmz, .shp and .tif data formats, and consists of 60 data files with data size of 72.8 MB (Compressed into 5 files with 47.5 MB).

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2022xjkk010201); Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (2022D01E099)

Data Citation:

GUI Dongwei, LI Bofei, ZHANG Siyuan, LIU Chuang. Dataset of Weigan-Kuqa Oasis, River System, Mountainous Part of the Catchment and Elevation Classification[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2023.


[1] NASA/METI/AIST/Japan Spacesystems, U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team. ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V003 [DB/OL]. Distributed by NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC, 2018.
     [2] Editorial Committee of Encyclopedia of Rivers and Lakes in China. Encyclopedia of Rivers and Lakes in China: Section of River Basins in Northwest Region [M]. Beijing: China Water & Power Press, 2014.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 BaichengKuqaOasis.kmz 10959.63KB
2 M.WeiganKuqaRiverCatchment.kmz 2402.11KB
3 WeiganKuqaOasisRiversCatchmentEVC.rar 29189.18KB
4 WeiganKuqaRiverSystem.kmz 3580.37KB
5 WeiganRiverOasis.kmz 2577.69KB