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Dataset of Strategical Transformation Regionalization for Agricultural Development in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China

Shi Wenjiao1Cui Jiaying2
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 College of Resources and Environment Sciences,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang 050024,China


Published:Dec. 2018

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Key Words:

Agricultural comprehensive development,regionalization,indices,Ningxia,Journal of Geographical Sciences


The strategic transformation of regionalization for the Agricultural development (AD) in Ningxia was made at the township scale. 13 indicators are used for the strategical transformation regionalization for agriculture development, such as: cropland, climate, water resources, terrain, geomorphology, ecological planning, etc.. Two levels of the regionalization was classed, 7 regions in the first level and 24 sub-regions in the second level had been identifies. The flowchart of the regionalization is shown as the following: (I) indicators were selected for regionalization, including temperature, water, soil, and the related 13 in total; (II) the suitability levels of these indicators for agricultural production were evaluated according to the spatial distribution of cropland, high standard farmland, high-yield fields, AD projected areas, the plan of high-standard farmland in Ningxia for 2020, etc.; (III) the necessary conditions for prioritized, protected, and restricted regions were determined by the evaluation of each indicators; (IV) according to the suitability levels of different indices from III, the limiting indices and the levels for the agricultural development in Ningxia were identified; (V) indicators thresholds for the suitable and limiting conditions in the prioritized regions, protected regions, and restricted regions were established; (VI) the percentage area of each indicators of the suitable and limiting thresholds were calculated at a township scale; (VII) the criteria of the three regions were defined according to the spatial distribution of each indicators threshold in each township, and the regionalization types were classified according to the criteria. This dataset is consisted of (1) the distribution of the seven regionalization types, including prioritized regions, protected regions, restricted regions, the prioritized and restricted regions, the protected and restricted regions, the restricted and prioritized regions, the restricted and protected regions; (2) the 24 subtypes were divided based on the seven types of regionalization. The prioritized regions include three subtypes; the prioritized and restricted regions include two subtypes; the protected regions include two subtypes; the protected and restricted regions include two subtypes; the restricted and prioritized regions include four subtypes; the restricted and protected regions include six subtypes; the restricted regions include five subtypes. The preliminary research results of the dataset were published in Journal of Geographical Sciences 2016, 60(12). The dataset was archived at .shp, .kmz data formats in 9 data files with data size of 1.23 MB (compressed to 1 file with data size of 0.98 MB).

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41371002, 41301355, 41401113); Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA05090310,KFJ-EW-STS- 019- 01)

Data Citation:

Shi Wenjiao, Cui Jiaying. Dataset of Strategical Transformation Regionalization for Agricultural Development in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.

Shi, W. J., Wang M. L. Dataset of strategic transformation regionalization for the agricultural comprehensive development of Ningxia, China [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2019, 3(2): 175–181. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2019.02.08.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 AgriCDRegionalizationNX.kmz 589.52KB
2 AgriCDRegionalizationNX.rar 421.40KB