South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
WU Lizong1SHEN Yan2
1 China Polar Research Center,Shanghai 200136,China2 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China
Published:Sep. 2019
Visitors:8023 Data Files Downloaded:24
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Key Words:
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,Atlantic Ocean,data encyclopedia
The South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is located in the southern Atlantic Ocean, east-southeast of Falkland Islands. It belongs to the British Overseas Territory and its geo-location is 53°32′47″S-59°27′44″S, 42°1′17″W-26°16′8″W. The South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands consists two parts, the South Sandwich Islands. There are 425islands in the South Georgia Group and 26 islands in the South Sandwich Islands, summing to 451 islands. Among them, the South Georgia Island in the South Georgia Group is the largest island, with the area of 3,483.49 km² and the shoreline of 1,487.98 km, followed by Montagu Island of the South Sandwich Islands, whose area is 100.51 km² and the shoreline is 45.28 km. The total area of the South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands is 3,776.93 km² and the coastline is 2,045.33 km. The dataset was developed based on the Google Earth and related maps and references. The dataset is consisted of 17 data files and archived in the .kmz and .shp data formats with the data size of 15.5 MB (Compressed to 6.33 MB in two files).
Foundation Item:
Data Citation:
WU Lizong, SHEN Yan. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2019.
Data Product:
ID |
Data Name |
Data Size |
Operation |
1 |
SouthGeorgia_SouthSandwichIslands.kmz |
2415.92KB |
2 |
SouthGeorgia_SouthSandwichIslandsshp.rar |
4068.59KB |