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Dataset of Root Morphology of Alpine Grassland in Haibei with Grazing Enclosure Years and Diameter Classes

CAO Jianjun1LI Yumei1CUI Jiabao1WEI Chen2WANG Ning3
1 College of Geography and Environmental Science,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China2 College of Grassland Agricultural Science and Technology,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730070,China3 The Third Geological and Mineral Exploration Institute of Gansu Province Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,Lanzhou 730070,China


Published:Jan. 2024

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Key Words:

root,grazing enclosure years,diameter classes,alpine grassland,Haibei


In September 2018, the authors selected alpine meadows with enclosure years of 5, 13, 22, and 39 a (enclosure experimental sites) at the Haibei National Field Research Station of Meadow, Qinghai Province, as the study object, and seasonal grazing meadows about 50 m away from the station were used as the control. The dataset of root morphology (including root length, root surface area and root tip) of different diameter classes were obtained by means of root scanner and cluster analysis for different grazing enclosure durations (0, 5, 13, 22 and 39 a). The results showed that there were some differences in the response of root morphology of different soil layers at different diameter classes to grazing enclosure durations; the root length, root surface area, and root tips of each diameter class at 13 years grazing enclosure grasslands were higher than those of other durations and seasonal grazing grassland, which had higher root ecological benefits. The dataset includes: (1) geolocation of the sample sites; (2) root morphology of different diameter classes; (3) Soil physiological properties of different grazing enclosure durations; (4) photos of the samples. The dataset is archived in .xlsx, .shp, .jpg, and .docx data formats, and consists of 13 data files with data size of 20.1 MB (Compressed into one file with 19.9 MB). The analysis article based on the dataset has been published in Acta Ecologica Sinica , Vol. 43, No. 8, 2023.

Foundation Item:

Natural Science Foundation of Gansu Province (18JR4RA002); Key Laboratory of Ecohydrology in Inland River Basin, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KLEIRBZS-16-01); Key Laboratory of Land Surface Processes and Climate Change in Cold and arid regions (LPCC2018008)

Data Citation:

CAO Jianjun, LI Yumei, CUI Jiabao, WEI Chen, WANG Ning. Dataset of Root Morphology of Alpine Grassland in Haibei with Grazing Enclosure Years and Diameter Classes[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2024.


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ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 AlpineGrasslandRootMorphology.rar 20387.76KB