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Assimilating Analysis Dataset of Near Space Atmospheric Environment Based on WACCM and DART (2016.02.05-2016.02.15)

JING Wenqi1CUI Yuanyuan2WANG Yegui3
1 Ningde Meteorological Station#,Ningde 355103,China2 Hebei Meteorological Observatory,Shijiazhuang 050021,China3 Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100029,China


Published:Apr. 2020

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Key Words:

WACCM,DART,Data Assimilation,atmospheric environment,Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences


Based on WACCM (Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model) and DART (Data Assimilation Research Test-Bed), the authors developed the near space data assimilation experiments by using ozone data from SABER (Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry) and MLS (Microwave Limb Sounder) and produced the assimilating analysis dataset of near space atmospheric environment (2016.02.05-2016.02.15). The dataset consists of global 6-hour ensemble average surface pressure (PS), temperature (T), zonal wind (US), meridional wind (VS), and ozone volume concentration (O3) assimilating results between surface and lower thermosphere layer from 2016.02.05 to 2016.02.15. The dataset is archived in one file in .nc data format, with the data size of 1.11GB (compressed to one file, 633 MB). The research paper related to the dataset was published in the Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2019.

Foundation Item:

Data Citation:

JING Wenqi, CUI Yuanyuan, WANG Yegui. Assimilating Analysis Dataset of Near Space Atmospheric Environment Based on WACCM and DART (2016.02.05-2016.02.15)[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 WACCMDARTNearSpaceAtmosEnviAnalysis20160205_20160215.rar 567746.31KB