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Dataset of Water Conservation of Forest Ecosystem and Its Spatial Variation in the Upper Reaches of Wujiang River

TANG Yuzhi1,2SHAO Quanqin1
1 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China


Published:Jan. 2018

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Key Words:

Upper Reaches of Wujiang River,forest Ecosystem,water Conservation,spatial Variation,Journal of Geo-information Science


As the longest tributary on the right bank of upper Yangtze River, Wujiang River is of great importance to the economic and ecological environment in Yangtze Basin and Southwest China. However, the upper reaches of Wujiang River are suffering from long-term soil erosion and land degradation, which has threatened the local safety and development. Based on the forest resource inventory data of Bijie prefecture in Guizhou Province in 2010 and the classification system of Chinese Vegetation and National Forest Resources Continuous Inventory Technology, 9 forest vegetation types were identified from numerous tree species, including numbers of dominant tree species, distribution area, biological and ecological characteristics of each tree species. The dataset was developed by the following procedure: first of all, the Meta Analysis method was used to obtain the forest canopy interception rate, unit litter layer maximum water holding capacity and soil non-capillary porosity of different vegetation types; then the water conservation of forest ecosystem in the upper reaches of Wujiang River was estimated under the employment of integrated storage capacity method; third, the 22 elevation classes of study area was derived from ASTER GDEM V2 DEM, where the altitude below 800 m and above 2800 m was respectively classified into 1 classes, and between 800 and 2800 m were divided into 20 classes every 100 m. Finally the relationship between the unit water conversation of forest ecosystem, which is regarded as the Forest Water Conservation Capacity, and elevation, slope and land degradation types was deeply explored through using the linear regression and correlation analysis. The dataset includes: (1) geographical location map data of study area; (2) water conservation dataset of forest ecosystem in the upper reaches of Wujiang River. The data provides the forest land information including aspect, slope position, slope gradient and forest vegetation types (merged), and computed results including the volume of water conservation of the three forest hydrological function layer and the total, and its unit water conversation at polygons, and forest information including soil thickness, forest age group, forest crown density and stand average diameter at breast height, stocking volume, land degradation types at points; (3) elevation classes dataset of upper reaches of Wujiang River in spatial resolution of 30 m, including elevation information. The dataset was archived to 26 data files in .shp and .tif data format, with the data size of 261 MB (144 MB for one .rar file). The analysis results of this dataset were published in the Journal of Geo-information Science in No.7, Vol. 18, 2016.

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Science and Technology of P. R. China (2013BAC03B00)

Data Citation:

TANG Yuzhi, SHAO Quanqin. Dataset of Water Conservation of Forest Ecosystem and Its Spatial Variation in the Upper Reaches of Wujiang River[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 WaterConsvUpWujiang.rar 148157.32KB