Dataset List


Data Details

Navigation Window Data of the Arctic Northeast Passage during 2006-2015

MA Long1AN Lei1ZHENG Zhongyi1ZHANG Xiaohui1Li Zhenhua2Chen Guanwen3
1 Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China2 Panjin Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Panjin 124010,China3 The Third Surveying and Mapping Institute of Guizhou,Guiyang 550004,China


Published:Nov. 2018

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Key Words:

Arctic,northeast passage,navigational window,2006-2015,Chinese Journal of Polar Research


Navigation window refers to the start date, end date of sailing and the navigation period when the sea ice density does not affect the safe navigation of ships in the channel. The sea ice concentration data products (2006–2015) from The University of Bremen in Germany were used to extract the navigational window of the Northeast Passage based on the route sailed by M/V Yong Sheng in 2013. Covering 40% of the total area was chosen to be the threshold of sea ice density. The start date of navigation was the first day when sea ice density was less than 40% in three consecutive days. The end date of navigation was the first day when sea ice density was more than 40% in three consecutive days. This dataset includes: (1) the route sailed by M/V Yong Sheng in 2013; (2) the navigational window of the Northeast Passage from 2006 to 2015. The dataset was archived in .shp, .kmz and .xlsx data formats in six data files with data size of 295 KB (Compressed to two files with data size of 262 KB). The analysis paper related to the dataset was published at Chinese Journal of Polar Research, Vol. 30, No.2, 2018.

Foundation Item:

Ministry of Education of P. R. China (3132015008, 3132016360); Liaoning Province (L2014202); Ministry of Transport of P. R. China (2014-322-255-190)

Data Citation:

MA Long, AN Lei, ZHENG Zhongyi, ZHANG Xiaohui, Li Zhenhua, Chen Guanwen. Navigation Window Data of the Arctic Northeast Passage during 2006-2015[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2018.

Ma, L., An, L., Zhang, X. H., et al. Navigable window dataset of the Arctic Northeast Passage (2006–2015) [J]. Journal of Global Change Data & Discovery, 2019, 3(3): 244–251. DOI: 10.3974/geodp.2019.03.04.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 NavigationWindowArcticNEPassage_2006-2015.rar 260.76KB
2 Route_Yongsheng.kmz 1.29KB