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Organic Compounds Dataset Detected by High Resolution Mass Spectrometer in Ambient Aerosols from the Coastal Atmosphere of Zhejiang,China

YU Huan1
1 Department of Atmospheric Science,School of Environmental Studies,University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China


Published:Jun. 2020

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Key Words:

organic compounds in coastal atmospheric aerosols,Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance mass spectrometer,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion


The Organic Compounds Dataset Detected by High Resolution Mass Spectrometer in Ambient Aerosols from the Coastal Atmosphere of Zhejiang, China was developed based on the in situ observation data and statistics through the model analysis. The in situ data was collected onto sample filters by a nano-MOUDI (nano-micro orifice uniform deposit impactor, model 125A) in May 2018 during iodine-initiated new particle formation events at a coastal site of Eastern China (Xiangshan, Zhejiang Province, 29°29′ N, 121°46′ E). Then the samples were pretreated and infused into an ESI-FT-ICR-MS (SolariX XR 9.4T instrument, Bruker Daltonics, Coventry, UK) and analyzed for exact mass-to-charge ratios of all organic compounds in the samples. The chemical formulas were calculated on the basis of exact mass-to-charge ratios of all organic compounds. The dataset is consisted of four tables including compound formula, mass-to-charge ratio, mass error between measured and theoretical values, intensity and detector polarity of organic compounds detected in 10-18 nm, 32-56 nm, 180-560 nm and 3.2-5.6 μm coastal aerosols, respectively. The dataset is archived in one excel file (.xlsx) with data size of 421 KB. A manuscript based on the dataset has been published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussion.

Foundation Item:

National Natural Science Foundation of China (41975831)

Data Citation:

YU Huan. Organic Compounds Dataset Detected by High Resolution Mass Spectrometer in Ambient Aerosols from the Coastal Atmosphere of Zhejiang,China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 OrganicAerosolCoastalZhejiang.xlsx 421.74KB