


[4] Data Long-term Preservation Policy

Adopted on June 1, 2014

DOI: 10.3974/dp.policy.04


Citaion: Ediroral Board of the Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository,  Data Long-term Preservation Policy, DOI:10.3974/dp.policy.2014.04


Datasets repository and long-term preservation is one of the GCdataPR major tasks. In order to do so, the following keys should be kept:


1. DOI registration policy:

All of the published dataset have to be registed in DOI (DOI:10.3974/) system;


2. Data format policy:

All of the data products should be archived in the popular data formats, the recommended data formats are: .hdf, .shp, .kml, .kmz, .docx, .pdf, .exls, .jpg, .img, …… Specific data formats are accepted except the specific tools or open source software published together with the datasets.


3. Long-term preservation policy:

All of the published datasets are archived not only online for access, but also in the Digital Library of the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resource Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences for long term preservation.
