Dataset List


Data Details

Spatial Distribution of Institutes Engaged into Research on Virial Antibodies in China

XU Zheping1WU Sizhu2LIU Chuang3CAO Shisong4JIANG Jie4SHEN Yan3
1 National Science Library,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China2 Institute of Medical Information/Medical Library,CAMS & PUMC,Beijing 100020,China3 Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China4 Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Beijing 100044,China


Published:Jun. 2020

Visitors:3652       Data Files Downloaded:55      
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Key Words:

Novel coronavirus,Anti-Viral Antibodies,CNKI,Web of Science,Global Change Data Repository


Based on the databases of CNKI and Web of Sciences, the articles related to virus antibodies were searched, and then the articles published by Chinese authors were selected by manual screening and verification. Combined with the geo-location of the institutes, the dataset of the institutes engaged into research on virial antibodies in China was developed. The dataset includes the name, classification, and the spatial information of the institutes. As of June 10, a total of 105 related articles have been published by 68 authors. The dataset is archived in 8 files in three folders, with the .shp format and the data size of 39.1 KB (compressed to 6 KB in one file). The dataset is one of supporting datasets for the China’s Research on COVIDE-19 Video Report (No.3): Anti-Viral Antibodies, which was published at Global Change Data Repository on June 18, 2020.

Foundation Item:

Chinese Association for Science and Technology (2020)

Data Citation:

XU Zheping, WU Sizhu, LIU Chuang, CAO Shisong, JIANG Jie, SHEN Yan. Spatial Distribution of Institutes Engaged into Research on Virial Antibodies in China[J/DB/OL]. Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, 2020.

Data Product:

ID Data Name Data Size Operation
1 SpaDisInstit_VirialAntibody_China.rar 5.90KB